My participated due date was March 6, 2009. I was about 2 cm dilated and 75% effacement on the due date, but I had no contraction whatsoever. My OB decided to have another ultrasound on March 9 to make sure placenta was still good and there were enough amnio fluid for the baby. So we had another chance to look at our baby boy before he was born. The pictures weren't clear enough due to lack of fluid. The nurse also performed stress test to make sure everything was OK. The baby wasn't moving around much, I guess he was sleeping. So the nurse had to use a vibrator to "wake him up". I felt him jump when the vibrator was on my belly.
After the ultrasound and stress test, the OB decided to schedule an induction on March 11. That morning, we arrived at hospital at 6:30 and started the IV around 7am. I didn't wanna epidural right away since I wanted to experience some contractions. But around noon time, the contractions got stronger and lasted longer. So I decided to have epidural that time and I felt I was in heaven after the epidural. :))
At around 4:30PM, the nurse came in and checked on me. I was fully dilated and 100% effaced and baby's head had dropped. Nurse had me practice a few push before OB comes in. At around 4:50, the OB came in and I started pushing. Both baby and me were doing so great during the push and at 5:17PM, my baby boy decided to come out and see the new world and his brand-new parents!! He weighed 8lbs 8oz and measures 21.5 inches. What a big boy!! Our new life and journey has started since the moment he was born.....
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