My husband and I have been planning to get pregnant since February,2008. Luckily enough, we got pregnant in June 2008 and my due date was March 6, 2009. When we first found out I was pregnant at home on July 13, we were both excited and a little scared too even though it was in our plan. We immediately set up our first OB appointment to get it confirmed. On July 21, 2008, we went in for our first ultrasound and I was 7 weeks pregnant. We saw our little "bean" and heard the baby's heart beat for the first time. The baby was 1cm long and heart beat was 148. Until that time, we still couldn't believe we were pregnant.From then on, I started my regular OB check up once a month until I was 28 weeks pregnant and then twice a month until 36 weeks, followed by once a week until our baby was born. I had fairly easy pregnancy since I didn't have any morning sickness, no nausea or vomitting until my second trimester ATP screening test results came back. The screening test showed I had increased risk of having a Trisomy 18 baby, which is also called Edward Syndrome and I have never heard of that in my life. I called hubby and cried on the phone so much. The OB recommended me to go to see a maternal specialist for further evaluation. Then we went to the specialist on September 29, 2008 to have our second level II ultrasound. During the ultrasound, we saw our little one again. This time, we saw his face, head, arms, legs, hands, feet, heart and even kidney and stomach. We also found out that we were having a little boy and he was 17 weeks old that day. We were quite nervous to hear the results of ultrasound. The good news was that specialist thought everything looked fine, but I wanted to have a more accurate result, I should opt to do amniocentesis. But I would also had 1% risk of miscarriage. After a few weeks struggling, we decided to do amniocentesis on October 20, 2008 and three days later our preliminary FISH result came back and showed it was a healthy boy. 10 days later, our full analysis results came back and showed the same result. It was quite difficult time for me and my husband, but everything turned out fine. I started to feel his movement around 18 weeks. It felt very strange and at that time I wasn't sure it was baby movement or it was just a gas bubble. Then as time goes by, I started feeling stronger movement and sometimes even kick. One time, I had my hubby put his hand on my belly and he felt the baby's movement for his first time. He was really excited and thought it felt strange too. For the rest of the pregnancy, I went through all the required test and passed everything. The baby was growing at good pace. Around 31 weeks, the OB thought he was in breech position but by 34 weeks check up, he turned around himself. Good Boy