After a couple of days high fever, on Thursday, Aiden's fever still sky high. At one point, it was 105 in the ear. When I got home last night, he was lying in my Mom's arm and wouldn't even open his eyes. When he saw me, he only rolled his eyes a little bit and said "mama". So we took him to urgent care but waited for 2 hours to see the doctor because there were quite a few kids in front of us. When we got in, the doctor listened to his lung and heard noise on the left side and checked his oxygen level on the finger. He was only 93% so we were sent to ER. We got into the ER exam room right away and his oxygen level was back to 98% without treatment. We waited for another 1.5 hours to finally get doctor in around 11pm. And she also heard noise from left lung. Then we were sent to have x-ray. Aiden was absolutely terrified by big x-ray machine. After about 20 minutes fighting, they finally got some clear pictures. Then we waited for another half hour and get the results. His lung looked clear! But doctor in ER still treated him for both bacterial pneumonia and virus pneumonia. So we were prescribed amox and tamiflu. We were finally discharged by hospital when his oxygen level was 96% (the lowest level for discharge). I picked up his med and got both in him at 2AM. This morning, he is still having fever around 101.2, but in much better spirit. He still isn't eating much but he has been drinking quite a bit fluid which will keep him dehydrated. We were told to watch him for labored breath (especially to watch whether his ribs get sucked in during breathing) and dehydration over the weekend. If any signs happen, then we will need to bring him back to ER. If not but still has fever on Monday, then bring him back to his PED office. We'll have to wait and see if both amox and tamiflu will do good for him. Keep finger crossed!!