The Zeigler Family

My photo
Started with two of us - Matt and Haoyue on March 23, 2004. Then our first son Aiden was born on March 11, 2009 and our daughter Mia was born on November 21, 2011. This blog is our way to keep family and friends updated about our family of four.

Saturday, January 28, 2012

Happy Chinese Birthday - Mommy

Jan 25th was Mommy's birthday based on Chinese calendar. Grandparents Li got Mommy an ice cream cake as that was Aiden's favorite. When Aiden saw the cake, he said "Happy Birthday to me!!" and really enjoyed the cake!

Cooing Mia

When Mia is awake, she is quite alert and she likes to coo and smile at us. But if you don't pick her up after 15-20 minutes, she will start complaining and make a little pitiful face.

Thursday, January 26, 2012

Mia with Her Buddies

Mia got a pink owl along with a pink outfit from uncle Jason and aunt Kim last thanksgiving and she got her first pink doll for her first Christmas from them too. Mama got her a sleepy sheep that makes white noise for her Christmas. She laid inside her crib with all her buddies and looked very cute.

Mia sitting

Sunday, January 22, 2012

Chinese New Year

Jan 22 was Chinese New Year Eve. Grandparents Li brought a Chinese lantern for Aiden. Aiden liked to light up the lantern and walk around the house.


Saturday, January 21, 2012

2-Month Old Mia

Mia had two-month check up yesterday. She weighed 13lb 11.5oz (91%), measured 23.5 inches (93%) and head circumference was 38.75cm (67%). Her stats were really similar to Aiden at the same age. Aiden weighed 13lbs 9oz, measured 24 inches and head circumference was 38.5cm. Mommy thinks Mia is longer than 23.5 as the nurse lady didn't really stretch her legs out during the length measurement. She measured around 24 inches at home. She also got 3 immunization shots and an oral one. She was doing really well during the check up and only cried when she got shots. Her feeding is going well and she can take between 23-29oz per day. She is still a night owl. She usually falls asleep somewhere between 9 and 10 after feeding at 8:30. But she usually sleeps until around 3am sometimes can even go until 4am. But for the second half of night, she still stirs and grunts a lot.

Mia's expressions

Friday, January 20, 2012

Aiden in Birthday Hat and Sun Glasses

Aiden found Daddy's sunglasses and tried it on. He looked pretty cool in it. The other day, Aiden came home with a goody bag filled with birthday stuff as one of his playmate at daycare had his 3rd b-day. He asked us to put the b-day hat and take his photos.

Looking cool in Daddy's sunglasses

Almost my birthday

Sunday, January 15, 2012

Neigh, Neigh

Aiden rode the horse twice in Meijer with Daddy while Mommy was checking out. He really enjoyed it even though he was afraid of riding it last year. As soon as he got on, he said "Neigh, Neigh" and repeated what Mommy told him "Hold on tight"! He also put the penny in by himself and pushed the button to start. Then he asked us "where did coin go?"

Saturday, January 14, 2012

More Social Smile

Mia is nearly 8 weeks old. She starts to have more and more social smile even though it takes more effort and longer time to get her smile than Aiden.

In Big Bro's Outfit

We took Aiden home from hospital in this football sleep and play. We put it on Mia and she looks pretty good in boy's outfit. she also saw herself in the mirror attached to the play mat and she even smiled at herself.

1. In my big bro's outfit

2.In the play mat

Saturday, January 7, 2012

Cooking Cookies and Fishing at Children's Museum

Jolly Day exhibition is leaving children's museum as holidays are over. We headed there on Friday before Mommy returns to work. Aiden had a lot of fun playing in the holiday kitchen and fishing. He couldn't really get the fish using the fishing pole, so he hooked the fish to the fishing pole directly and told mommy "I got the fish".

1. cook cookies in the oven

2. Chill cookies in the fridge

3. Serve the cookies

4. Cupcake time

5. I got a fish

6. Hooking up the fish

Sibling Time

Aiden and Mia spent a little time on the couch for pictures after they were ready for the trip to children's museum.

1. Bro, hurry up for picture, I am falling

2. Sis, you have really chubby cheek

Friday, January 6, 2012

Mia with Blonde-Hair Doll

Grandparents Li got Mia a big blonde-hair doll from China. She had some "fun" of taking pictures with the doll but at the end she protested and had enough of pictures taken.

1. Social smile

2. staring

3. Mom, what is she looking at?

4. enough for the pictures

Thursday, January 5, 2012

Mia at 6-week Old

Mia was 6-week old this Monday. She is getting more and more alert during the day and also at night which Mommy doesn't really "appreciate". She also starts cooing back to us when we talk to her. Once a while she will give us some social smile if she is in the mood and we are lucky. Aiden was much easier to be pleased and smiled more at this age. She is eating well too as you can tell from her big chubby cheek.

Wide Open Eyes

Monday, January 2, 2012

First Snow in 2012

Snow blurry started coming down on evening of New Year Day and when we woke up the next morning, the ground was covered with half inch snow. Aiden put his snow pants and snow boots on and went outside for a walk. We have been reading a book from daycare called "A Snowy Day" before bed and Aiden wanted to make footprints in the snow as the little boy in the book did so.

1. It is bright outside

2. Look at the snow

3. It is cold

4. My footprints

5. Just happy being outside